New Year - New Music

Hello 2024!

Is anyone else weirded out at the fact we are in the year 2024 already? Crazy!

2023 was the year of change, work, and wait. Change of plans. Change of attitude. Change of release dates. Lots and lots and lots of change. I finally picked a new word for my new year - balance. I feel like when you go through so much changing you gotta find the balance afterwards. I’ve spent the first week of the new year doing just that.

Y’all, releasing music has been one of the most stressful things. Trying to utilize every angle and opportunity so the most people can hear a song is overwhelming on a good day. Thankfully, God’s placed some people in my life to help me along the way. I want to take a minute to thank everyone who streamed, purchased, or share my song Mountain Honey this past year! After a lot of brainstorming and overthinking, I’m excited to announce the release of my next single. It’s been a fan favorite for years at my live shows……

Never Drank A Beer - Coming February 9th!

Photography by Matt Andrews, Artwork by Tori Morgan.

At some point, I’ve gotta do all the work I can and then let it go. That’s what I’m doing. I planned so much for a release of the full EP this past fall and none of it worked out how I hoped so now I’m going to release this into the world and say a prayer.

I would really, really, really appreciate it if you guys would pre-save Never Drank A Beer and share it with your friends. The more pre-saves I get the more it helps me out with the algorithm on Spotify.

Thank you for following along on this rollercoaster of a journey with me. New music is coming whether I’m ready or not haha. Stay tuned!

xx Carson


Winter Hibernation & Reflection


Little In Between Moments