Summer 2022 Catch Up

Hi there…

I’m ashamed to say it’s been well over a year since my last blog post. Life got busy and music started picking back up after the slow season that was 2020. It’s also no secret if you follow me on any of my socials that it’s been one of the toughest summers I’ve had in a while.

I lost my sweet Caroline, my boston terrier, back in June. It was the worst way to kick off the summer. Grief is a weird thing. I rescued her when I was 18, a little over 6 years ago. We picked her up and two days later drove to Nashville to look at apartments. She was my roomie, my best friend, and the sweetest comfort I’ve known.

After losing her it took a while to regroup. I cried so many tears and finally broke down. I started looking to see if there were any rescues that needed rescuing and stumbled upon a boston terrier puppy being re-homed. It was fate. The lady I got him from had family who lived in Nashville - she’s in NC - and the day she posted about him was the same day my sweet Caroline took her last breath.

Huckleberry turned the last couple of months around. He’s got so much spirit and felt like a gift she had God send to me. Needless to say, I’ve had my hands full training a puppy.

I also went through a few personal things this summer. It’s never fun to go through so much change in such a short period of time. Grief also opens your eyes to things that just aren’t serving you anymore. When I packed up to come back to Nashville with Huckleberry I had so many mixed emotions but one of the biggest ones was relief and excitement for a new chapter.

This past year I spent a good deal of time home in NC with my family. Burn out is real in a town like Nashville and my homesick heart needed some time to rest and recenter. When you live a life that’s so far out of the norm from what everyone else around you is doing it really starts to take a toll. I thought maybe trying the “small town life” I had grown up living might be the best thing after 6 years hustling in a big city.

And it was…. for a while.

Time with family and my friends was wonderful, but I still had this nagging feeling like there was something missing. When you have a heart that’s always been drawn to creativity you start to get a little restless in one place for too long. (Hey Alexa, play Pursuit of Happiness by Miranda Lambert.)

I came back to Nash expecting to get back to work in June…. then, well, you know what happened. I immediately came home after losing Caroline. I was frustrated to the core because I felt so lost. Motivation was nowhere in sight. Maybe that sounds a little dramatic but it’s the truth. After a few weeks of being loved on by my family and friends I came back to Nashville feeling a little more hopeful, but also afraid another shoe would drop.

So that’s where I’m at. I’m sorry it’s not the normal positive, upbeat, find the good in the bad program you normally get from me. But if I’ve learned anything in the past year of trying to “figure my life out” it’s that sometimes you gotta go with the flow that you’re given.

I want to embrace the beauty that is my crazy/out of the norm life.

So, if you’re up for it… I’d like to take you along for the ride with me. I’ve decided to dedicate these next few years to really doing things I love and not worrying about anything else because life is too darn short.

Are you ready?

Here’s to turning the page to a new chapter.

xx Carson


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